Audience comment by School start relief
Was feeling anxious as my Year 9 son left for school today after months of on line learning. Thank you to all those who have turned out to be tested and the hard working public health team. I hope all the returning students have a great day today!
Audience comment by Ebony’s Mum
Good luck to all Year 8, 9 and 10 students heading back to school today! x
Audience comment by Liam from Truganina
We are so happy with the double 0 result this morning! But hope everyone will not be complacent and still follow the experts' advise to social distance, wearing masks and washing hands. Well done Melbourne!!!
Audience comment by coronavirus
that's it victoria, I'm leaving, have had enough of you isolating me . I get the sense you are wishing I never came at all. sniff.
Audience comment by DONUT DAY
I had donuts for breakfast to celebrate DONUT DAY. Now I'm full of sugar and excitement, so Dan better give me some more treats.
Audience comment by Mike
Melbourne just got the quaddie up,<br>Vixens, Tigers, Storm & a double zero Monday. Well done team Victoria!
Audience comment by Something in my eye
I may have shed a year when I saw that ZERO!!!<br>Tell me I'm not the only one?! 🎉🍩🙌
Audience comment by Yay
This is so exciting! Well done to all of us!
Audience comment by Bec
Audience comment by JM
This is great news! Well done Victoria :)
Audience comment by Fingers crossed
Nearly there, Melbourne! Better start planning what to do, where to go, who to go with, and what to wear! You are all stars. Virtual hugs from a cold and windy South Oz.
Audience comment by yay
Its a NONEday Monday!<br>
2020-10-25 20:54:00Z
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