The Federal Government has urged Australians to prioritise their mental health as part of a new campaign launching today, as Melbourne enjoys its first weekend of reduced restrictions.
Follow Sunday's events as they unfold.
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By Simon Smale

By Simon Smale

Does it have to be a QR code?
Just went to a cafe where we signed in on paper, no QR code.. Just want to confirm that it *has* to be a QR code and not on paper?-Concerned
Hi, Concerned.
It does not have to be a QR code as far as I am aware. Venues just have to be able to keep a record of who has visited and what time they did.
From personal experience, I've seen both being used.
It's also worth remembering that not everyone has access to a smart phone (albeit that the vast majority — as much as 90 per cent according to Deloitte — do) so cafe's need to be able to cater to everyone.
By Simon Smale

Testing data today
Great to see another day of the doughnut.....Do we have the total test numbers for the 24hr period or is it to early?-About the test numbers
Would you tell us how to find out how many people are being tested each day in Melbourne?-Testy
What are the current testing figures for Victoria?-Am I too Early?😃
We'll get all this information later on in the press conference, but yesterday there were 19,850 tests conducted.
By Simon Smale

More of your observations of being out and about in Melbourne
Here's some more of your thoughts on the overall experience of being out and about over the last couple of days in Melbourne.
It appears there are some mixed levels of adherence during the rules.
Went into our local for a drink Friday afternoon.Excellent service from the front door sign in to the explanation of ordering, etc. Well spaced out. Everyone masked when appropriate. Best of all ... happy, relaxed and great mood. You rock Melbourne.-Drinking again
Popped into the local for my fIrst pint in months yesterday. Good still tasted great. Bad news...lots of slack or no wearing of masks by customers.Beer and rules just don't mix for some.-Mask fan
Been out to three cafés in Prahran in past two days, not one confirmed that we had checked in using QR-Alex
I went to Eastland yesterday and there were people everywhere. Masks (and still some scarves?!) were being worn, but social distancing was not being observed. Examples of people pushing passed others to get through the centre faster, excessive numbers in aisles and large groups waiting for their coffee were common to see.Many of the shops that appeared to have strict COVIDsafe rules like queues to get in, aisle limits and hand sanitiser everywhere were a free for all once you were inside.It was all too overwhelming for me.-Anxious in crowds
Hi Simon, I raised a concern about outdoor dining tables being waaaay too close together with a business the other day and they had a don’t care attitude, were dismissive and rude. I ended up reporting them to the local council and the Police Assistance Line. Attitudes like theirs won’t keep us safe and I can’t see a third lockdown being mentally survivable.-Trying to be helpful
Myself and my partner went out to our favourite restaurant Thursday night. Social distancing was perfect. We still had questions about masks. When to wear them in the restaurant?? The waiter had to find out and apparently they still must be worn if you leave your table for any reason. Particularly going to the bathroom. We still need some clarity with the expectations I think.Overall very happy-Tiger Tuff
By Simon Smale

By Simon Smale

Remember to be careful with your mask...
Hi, love the blog. Yesterday my son and I visited my parents at their home for the first time since lockdown. Despite our celebrations we were all very careful and kept our distance and our masks on. We shared lunch spread out on a large table and on finishing my mum put her mask back on only to discover that she had mistakenly picked up my son’s mask!! Hopefully no harm done but just a warning to be really careful!!-Be careful with your masks
Some sound advice there about looking after your mask, but great to hear that people are seeing others in their family for the first time in a long time.
By Simon Smale

What are QR codes?
Happy Sunday blog team!What’s the deal with QR codes that I’m hearing all about? As in, what do I use to scan them? Do I have to download an app for it? I’m hoping to head out today for a meal and want to be prepared.-I’d like to go out
Hi, I'd like to go out
You shouldn't need anything other than a smart phone with a functioning camera.
Essentially, a QR code is just a matric barcode that contains information in it, and it being used a lot at the moment to direct people to a website where they can enter their details.
By Simon Smale

By Simon Smale

Some of your experiences of being out and about in Melbourne
I did a bit of a call out for what your expereinces where of being out and about in Melbourne yesterday and since lockdown restrictions were eased.
Here's some of what you said:
We ate out at Lygon St last night. The waitress came around with hand sanitizer and took down our details on a paper record. We ate outdoors but it was packed. The tables appeared to be crammed together and they were not following the distancing required. We wore masks until our drinks arrived and put them back on as soon as our meal was done. Overall while it was lovely to be out I did feel a bit uneasy about being so packed in.-Liz
Walking around st Kilda last night it felt like New Year’s Eve. Especially the gardens. Crazy packed. Barely any social distancing or mask wearing once you’re in that park. I’m still nervous so I avoid it completely. I see a third wave coming thick and fast.-Sam
I've been to two restaurants in two days. The first was mostly compliant, but was a bit relaxed about people using facilities without masks and chatting to the staff without them. The 2nd was qr codes all the way, even to order. But for both, the 1.5m rule was adhered to.-Two restaurants, two different procedures
Having my first venture out this evening to lido cinema rooftop! So excited to see a movie outside again. Hope they can open indoor cinemas soon too. Excited to see how they have set up covid plans for the rooftop!-Thomas
Went out for a cafe date with the wife this week. Everyone wore masks, spaced nicely and there was hand sanitizer on every table.Everyone was a little on edge, but we were all safe and playing our part :)-No FOGO
Keep them coming in everyone.
By Simon Smale

The UK's lockdown
Is there any info on what's happening in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland? Both England and Ireland after back in lockdown, so are the other countries in the Isles doing better?-watching Shetland as we speak
In terms of how the other nations of the United Kingdom are doing...
Wales and Northern Ireland are already effectively in lockdown and Scotland is under a set of tough regional restrictions.
While we're in that part of the world, the Republic of Ireland is in a Melbourne-style lockdown at the moment, while France and Germany are all also entering new lockdown arrangements.
Hi there, feeling so sorry for all the parts of the world just heading into lockdown. It will be a close call for them to have freedom by Christmas and there is still winter to come in Europe. My 12 year old son is desperate to know if the soccer in the UK will continue during their lockdown. (I fully realise that there are more important issues in the world but he is obsessed)-Mum of soccer fan
Hi, Mum of soccer fan
Professional, elite sport will be allowed to continue under the new lockdown rules in England, so tell your son he'll still be able to watch his favourite team.
By Simon Smale

Returned travellers who tested positive in NT remain well
Northern Territory health authorities say five people who have tested positive for coronavirus in the Howard Springs quarantine facility remain well.
All five tested positive for COVID-19 after arriving in Australia on a special repatriation flight from India last week.
Among them are two, three-year-old children and an elderly woman.
They are being cared for in isolation by staff from the Australian Medical Assistance Team at the Howard Springs facility.
A spokesperson from the government says there are no plans to repatriate them to other states at this stage.
By Simon Smale

Melbourne cafes reporting good weekend of trading
Speaking of pubs, cafes and restaurants, those in Melbourne are reporting a good first weekend of trading after lockdown.
Restrictions on hospitality were relaxed earlier in the week for metropolitan Melbourne, with venues able to serve 20 people indoors and 50 people outdoors.
Daniel Amato owns a cafe in the northern suburb of Brunswick and says it's been great to have customers back inside and enjoying meals.
"From the get-go, from Wednesday it's been overwhelming, " Mr Amato said.
"The support and the number of people that have been able to come, it's been great."
By Simon Smale

Some feedback about restaurants in Victoria
I feel like people have been very quick to say restaurants aren't following covid safe procedures.I went out in the CBD last night. Experience was excellent. Tables were very spaced out, QR code to check in which we had to show to staff we'd done. QR code to order and pay. Staff were all excellent and professional.-Frankie
That's great to hear Frankie.
Have many of you been out and about over this weekend and tried out your local eatery?
What did you think? Were you happy with the physical distancing?
We don't need specifics, but it would be nice to hear how some of you have felt being out and about a little bit more this weekend and what the overall vibe was.
By Simon Smale

More doughnut chat
Am so happy with double doughnut. Hopefully i get more donuts everyday. And R.I.P to the movie legend Sean Connery.-Vivek
It's a good weekend in Melbourne when it's double doughnuts and you can catch up with your family for the first time in months. And I made my own doughnuts yesterday to celebrate (lime curd filled in case you're wondering)Thanks bloggers :)-More Doughnuts
Yay!!! 🍩🍩🍩🍩-Natty
So happy it's double doughnut. Am gonna have donuts and everyfood that has shape zero. #GOODWORKVICTORIANS-Happy victorian

By Simon Smale

Facemasks are still required, even in the sun
Cup Day looks like being hot and sunny. If I go to the beach on my own and am physically distancing from others, do I need to keep my mask on while lying down sun baking?-Sunseeker
Sadly for your tan, Sunseeker, it is still a requirement to wear a facemask when outside the house.

This could well be the look this summer...
By Simon Smale

Honouring a cinema giant
Good morning Simon, happy Sunday. Not Covid related, but breaking news late last night, we lost a giant... Can we please have a gif for the late great Sean Connery?-Narelle
Good morning Simon, I wish 2020 was over and done with. My heart is heavy today. RIP Sir Sean Connery.-Deb
You're right Narelle, Deb,
He died, aged 90, surrounded by family.

By Simon Smale

It's a four-doughnut week in Victoria
Victoria is killing it this week! Another day of 0. How many doughnut days is that this week?-Donut Sunday!!!
Double doughnut Sunday for Victoria!!!But with yesterday’s reclassification, doesn’t that mean today’s number is actually -1?-Woo
I believe the overall numbers are down, but if we're calling yesterday 0, then it's not -1.

By Simon Smale

No new coronavirus cases in Victoria
Those of you hoping for a double-doughnut weekend, now is time to crack the packaging on that second doughnut!
Victoria has recorded no new coronavirus cases and no deaths in the past 24 hours.
The 14-day average for metropolitan Melbourne has fallen to 2.2, while in regional Victoria it remains at zero.
There is one mystery case.
By Simon Smale

By Simon Smale

Victorians told to 'vote with their feet' on venues without COVID-safe precautions
I’m a bit confused about the 1.5m distance rule at restaurants - how does that work with people sharing a table? I haven’t seen any that have chairs 1.5m apart...I’ve checked the DHHS rules and they say tables must be 1.5 apart but nothing about the diners. Surely that’s the risky bit, where we have masks off to eat and are talking too?-Distanced diner
Hi, Distanced diner.
You're right, but I believe the rules are to limit the exposure to multiple groups.
2020-10-31 20:35:00Z
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