
An All-Day Dining Guide to Kierland Commons in Scottsdale - Phoenix New Times

Welcome to Dining Guides, an intermittent series on the many dining hubs around the greater Phoenix area and what they have to offer. Breakfast to drinks, quick coffee to sit-down dining, we break down some of our favorite places in each neighborhood. Today, we focus on Kierland Commons.

Kierland Commons is a shopping district with an urban vibe and a good mix of less-than-obvious restaurants that includes Snooze Eatery, Postino, North Italia, The Greene House, Maestro's Ocean Club, and The Mission. This guide will hopefully push you out of your comfort zone and into the market for some unexpected food surprises.

Morning cocktails from Snooze.EXPAND

Morning cocktails from Snooze.

Benjamin Leatherman


Snooze, an A.M. Eatery

15054 North Scottsdale Road, #110, Scottsdale

If you're looking for atypical fare in a vintage diner space, Snooze An A.M.Eatery delivers on both counts. Menu highlights include the upside-down pineapple pancakes, the Juan tacos, and a variety of bloody mary options. Also, they serve ginger and turmeric lattes — just saying.

Tocaya Organica is a fast-casual Mexican restaurant with a light bent.EXPAND

Tocaya Organica is a fast-casual Mexican restaurant with a light bent.

Tocaya Organica


Tocaya Organica

7012 East Greenway Parkway, #100, Scottsdale

Tocaya Organica is one of the newer eateries joining the Kierland Commons space. For those seeking fewer calories, there are various tacos, bowls, and burritos that lean light. There is also a wide selection of sides like quinoa salad, Spanish rice, and guacamole and chips. Vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free are options are available, too.

The Greene House

15024 North Scottsdale Road, #100, Scottsdale

A California-inspired restaurant, The Greene House is a modern space offering braised short rib, grilled tacos, salmon, and sea bass. There is an extensive wine list and currently, to-go orders of beer and wine are 50 percent off. Also, expect the menu to evolve throughout the year with new seasonal twists.

P.F. Chang's

7132 East Greenway Parkway, Scottsdale

P.F. Chang's has been an Arizona staple since 1993. Expect an extensive menu of Asian options with several choices that cater to vegetarians, vegans, and those who are gluten-free. Edamame is a good starter, and lettuce veggie wraps and walnut shrimp with melon balls are also standouts.

Happy hour is a great way to break up the day at North Italia.EXPAND

Happy hour is a great way to break up the day at North Italia.

Rudri Bhatt Patel


North Italia

15024 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale

With its spacious dining room and outdoor dining area, it's easy to convince yourself to stop by North Italia for happy hour. From 3 to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, beers are $5 and a glass of wine or sangria is $5. Small bites like bruschetta, cheese boards, zucca chips, and pizza are all under $12. If you want to enjoy a happy hour at home, takeout and delivery are also available.

Postino Winecafe

7030 East Greenway Parkway, Scottsdale

Another take out idea is bruschetta and a bottle of wine from Postino Winecafe. The bruschetta boards are less than $16 and there are several wine-to-go specials, starting at $15. If you choose to dine-in or order to-go at the Kierland location, enjoy the daily "5 'til 5" deal — $5 glasses of wine and pitchers of beer until 5 p.m.

Zinc is among our favorite French restaurants in Phoenix.EXPAND

Zinc is among our favorite French restaurants in Phoenix.

Zinc Bistro


Zinc Bistro

15205 North Kierland Boulevard, #140, Scottsdale

A trip to France may not be possible right now, but Parisian food can be yours at Zinc Bistro. Dinner is served from 5 to 9 p.m. when diners can also anticipate some nontraditional items like Spanish octopus, roasted duck breast, and tuna tartar. Dine-in and to-go options are available for guests.

Maestro's Ocean Club

15045 North Kierland Boulevard, Scottsdale

Indulging in dressing up and lingering over fine dining is possible at Maestro's Ocean Club. The ambiance is designed for anniversaries, or maybe an important business dinner. Some menu highlights include battered shrimp, oysters, a seafood tower, and a rack-of-lamb. Just be sure to complement your meal with Maestro's special dry-ice martini.

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The Mission

7122 East Greenway Parkway, Scottsdale

On the hunt for a second-story patio? With a spicy margarita in one hand and chips and salsa at the other, you can people-watch while dining-in at The Mission. Tableside guacamole is a must, as are entrees like pork tacos, short rib tacos, and empanadas. By the end of the meal, you will be asking for that second margarita to close out the evening. It's hard to give up your seat.

Frost offers gelato made onsite daily.

Frost offers gelato made onsite daily.

Heather Hoch



15034 North Scottsdale Road, #160, Scottsdale

The gelato is made daily at Frost, which offers some adventurous flavors like seasonal pumpkin, salted caramel truffle, and black licorice. Of course, traditional selections are also available, like vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. For those who don't like gelato, sorbet is a good backup. Pineapple, blueberry, and peach are some standouts on the sorbet menu. 

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November 04, 2020 at 08:00PM

An All-Day Dining Guide to Kierland Commons in Scottsdale - Phoenix New Times
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