
'Wrap it up, Premier!': Readers react to Berejiklian's 'stuff-up' - Sydney Morning Herald

From sympathy to shock and disgust, readers respond to NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian's ICAC revelations about her private life.

Gladys Berejiklian has been forced to defend her relationship with former Wagga Wagga MP Daryl Maguire, who is the subject of a corruption inquiry.

Gladys Berejiklian has been forced to defend her relationship with former Wagga Wagga MP Daryl Maguire, who is the subject of a corruption inquiry.Credit:Getty Images

Premier's poor judgment calls for her resignation

Gladys Berejiklian to Daryl Maguire: "I don’t need to know" ("Premier: I stuffed up", October 13). If that isn’t turning a blind eye to corruption I don’t know what is. It is sad, but for the sake of all of us, the Premier must resign. Norman Carter, Roseville Chase

Jacqueline Maley touches on the central issue arising from the Premier's evidence in the ICAC ("Private Premier loses dating game", October 13). She correctly states the Premier has not explained why she continued to place trust in Maguire after deciding he was no longer fit to be a member of the Liberal Party or Parliament and asking him to stand down from both. The Premier's failure was in continuing her relationship with Maguire for more than two years until two months ago. It is this manifest failure of judgment for which she may be criticised, even before the ICAC makes its findings, and which raises serious questions about her suitability to be Premier. Paul Fergus, Manly

The Premier told ICAC that she always had run her premiership "by the book" but how can she defend herself from the almost certain knowledge that Maguire, her "numero uno", was up to something. Her statements that she didn't want to hear about certain issues that Maguire wanted to tell her about should have been a red flag, good enough for her to abandon him years ago. William Tuck, Mosman

In 2014, Barry O’Farrell stated, "as someone who believes in accountability, in responsibility, I accept the consequences of my action. I've accepted that I've had a massive memory fail". And that was over an expensive bottle of wine. I have every respect for the manner in which Berejiklian has led the state over the bushfires and COVID-19, but accountability and transparency in governance surely must be paramount. Your call, Premier. Barry Ffrench, Cronulla

It leaves O’Farrell’s forgotten bottle of Grange somewhat in the shade. Kris Mckeon, Cowra

Placing oneself in a position in which a conflict of interest could occur is possibly a breach of the NSW Parliamentary code of conduct, which aims at preventing corruption. The highest officeholders in the Parliament should surely understand that they, of all people, are accountable under this code: no quibbling, no excuses. Vanessa Tennent, Oatley


Wrap it up, Premier! Judy Whitlam, Scarborough

As Jane Austen said, "we are all fools in love". Voting for Berejiklian should not be coloured by revelations of her - no doubt regrettable - love affair, per se. However the Premier’s failure to get Dominic Perrottet to resign over the debacle of icare does beg the question whether he or she knew she was vulnerable in ICAC’s investigation of Maguire, and that puts a different perspective on everything. Sarah Foster, Dulwich Hill

Premier, it is not a massive sacrifice (as you suggest) to be in your position. You are well remunerated and presumably, relish your position, so please no crocodile tears. You are entitled to a private life, but continuing your relationship when Maguire resigned under a cloud of corruption demonstrates a lack of judgment on your part. If you genuinely take responsibility, as you claim, please resign forthwith. Pam Hawkins, Lakemba

She can't resign yet. There are still a few heritage buildings to be knocked down. Tony Lyons, Lithgow

The ICAC revelations are obviously shocking. At their most favourable interpretation, with Berejikilan telling Maguire she "doesn't need to hear about that bit", she excuses all the alleged shonky dealings with "he was always talking about deals, and they always fell through, they always seemed quite fanciful to me. It was known among colleagues that he always talked big. But they never seemed to come to fruition".

What was she doing keeping a man of such calibre not only in close personal relations but as a minister, until he was forced to resign? Which other ministers always talk rubbish? Richard Abram, Bexley


Unbelievably stupid of Berejiklian. She has said that "while I have made this mistake in my personal life, I intend to serve the people of NSW to the best of my ability". It's clear that the best of her ability is not good enough. David Gordon, Cranebrook

Now it is clear why Treasurer Dominic Perrottet didn’t resign after being caught out in the icare scandal. Even when she is told about them, The Premier doesn't seem to have a problem with private businesses being run out of politicians’ offices (Maguire had done the same out of hers) and she didn’t believe in resignations but "toughing it out" as she is desperately doing now. Both Berejiklian and Perrottet should go Peter Manning, Dulwich Hill

Berejiklian’s private life is none of our business but there are yet unanswered questions about her involvement with Maguire in her role as Premier. We must wait for the conclusion of the ICAC inquiry, but sadly situations such as this tend to evolve into something more murky. Relegating her "numero uno" so readily to persona non-grata smacks of political expediency and is not a good look. Graham Lum, North Rocks

The Premier’s evidence included that Maguire "always had pie in the sky plans". Meanwhile, she failed to ask her lover why, as the Wagga Wagga MP, he was involved in dubious land deals around Badgerys Creek.

Also how much time and travel expenses did he charge on the public purse? How much parliamentary work was he actually doing for his MP’s salary and perks? Her denials of any knowledge were on oath. If Labor or journalists discover evidence to the contrary she’s finished. Howard Charles, Annandale

I understand exactly why the Premier wanted to keep her close personal relationship with Maguire secret. But when she told her "numero uno": "I don’t need to know about that bit" regarding a certain Maguire deal she showed a lack of curiosity that could prove fatal. Nick Franklin, Katoomba


Berejiklian states, "I’m an extremely private person", and "I don’t need to know". So private she kept hidden what she knew was a hazardous relationship on account of its damaging political and credibility impacts. How can she, and we, excuse her behaviour, thinking and judgment?

Transport Minister Andrew Constance says she has "worked her socks off for this state". Perhaps. But also to maintain her deception for many years. She must resign to stop NSW living for a moment longer, her "personal nightmare". Jennifer Fergus, Manly

I thought the Premier was handling a difficult press conference well until she claimed that she led a government of integrity while flanking her were ministers Brad Hazzard and Dominic Perrottet. Someone should have mentioned the Ruby Princess and icare. Rod Allan, Kelso

The problem for Gladys Berejiklian is not that she engaged in any corrupt activity but that she acted like the three wise monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. There is a perception that she deliberately turned a blind eye to Maguire’s corrupt activity. She must have known something, otherwise why did he resign from the Liberal Party and from Parliament in 2018? Pierre Mars, Vaucluse

Not happy, Gladys! Mick Grimson, Leumeah

The NSW Liberals forced out two ALP Leaders – Michael Daley for a remark in a pub and Luke Foley for inappropriate behaviour. Neither were involved in ICAC proceedings. To hear Berejiklian say on tape "I don't want to know" suggests she was either already fully aware of, or wilfully ignoring, suspect dealings by her then partner Maguire.

The Libs cannot have two sets of rules, one for them and one for others. The Premier must resign. Carole Ferrier, Rushcutters Bay


Attention seems to be focussed on the Premier's private life but let's not forget her public life has been littered by a succession of "stuff-ups" that have occurred while her government is in office.

Who can forgive the stadiums fiasco, the sale of the GPO building without tender, buying trains that won't fit through tunnels in the Blue Mountains, demolishing Parramatta's swimming pool before building a new one, selling off wetlands in Coffs Harbour to a developer, stubbornly wanting to relocate the Powerhouse Museum (and with no business case), privatising the Land Titles Office against all advice, the ill-advised attempt to force amalgamation of councils, refusal to abandon stamp-duty in spite of almost universal advice that is inequitable, chopping down 100-year-old Moreton Bay figs along Alison Road in Randwick so race-gowers wouldn't have to cross the road, demolishing 53 heritage houses in Haberfield to build a tunnel (Westconnex) that would carry more cars, granting Newcastle Port a virtual monopoly, defunding TAFE colleges and ongoing land-clearing issues to which she seems to turn a bling eye. The list goes on.

Berejiklian's government seems to have left a sufficient trail of "stuff-ups" and poor judgment on the public record, there is no need to go looking for them in her private life. James Cryer, Castlecrag

The Premier may claim her innocence until the cows come home but one thing she will never wash away will be guilt by association. Blane Stonley, Cowan

I am glad that Gladys Berejiklian found happiness with a secret love for five years because everyone deserves to be happy but, if she thought politics was tough until now, she’s got a storm to live through in coming days.

It can’t have been easy listening to those phone taps at the ICAC and trying to explain what it all meant or means in hindsight. Stuffed up? All for the sake of love? Don’t they say that love is blind?


The experience has tarnished her goody-two shoes image and that will take some "unstuffing" to correct. Her dismissal of Maguire’s big dream schemes doesn’t wash true because there are no phone taps of what was said behind closed doors or under the blankets. Why did she continue the relationship after he stepped down as the state member for Wagga Wagga?

Wringing her hands and looking contrite will not be enough to convince the voting public she should remain as leader. If she didn’t disclose her relationship with Maguire it’s fair to ask, what else did she fail to disclose? Her colleagues might back her but they, too, are not blameless: Dominic Perrottet and icare, Andrew Constance and his feud with John Barilaro, Rob Stokes and the koala policy that originally went pear-shaped. Remember the hatchet jobs done on Luke Foley and Michael Daley by the Coalition?

Revenge time for Labor? I am glad I never went into politics. As Jim Morrison of The Doors wrote, No One Gets out Here Alive. Peter Skrzynecki, Eastwood

When the NSW Premier resists the calls for her resignation on the grounds that "I haven't done anything wrong" she equates the words "wrong" and "illegal". I think we can now understand better why there have been some decisions which were completely unfathomable at the time. Bruce Welch, Marrickville

Premier, the old Spanish proverb "Show me your friends and I’ll tell you what you are" has stood the test of time. Lyle Keats, Miranda

Should it emerge that we need a new premier, at least Dominic Perrottet's icare fiasco will rule him out. Gus Plater, Saratoga

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian fronts the media on Tuesday.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian fronts the media on Tuesday.Credit:Nick Moir

I feel sorry for the situation the Premier finds herself in. But under the ICAC legislation there is an obligation imposed on a public official beyond that generally imposed on a member of the public.

Whether or not she declared her relationship under the Ministerial Code of Conduct based upon the nature and length of the relationship, there was probably a requirement to declare an "interest" in the dealings of Maguire under the Parliamentary code of conduct.

Failure to do so, if so required, is a breach of the ICAC legislation and is therefore a matter that the ICAC can investigate. Unfortunate interpretation, as many would feel, but that is where the bar is set. Paul Pearce, Bronte

I am shocked that the Premier can have a five-year relationship with a former minister being investigated for corrupt conduct and refuse to resign. And appalled that the Treasurer, the man deep in the icare scandal, can stand next to the Premier and say she is "somebody of the utmost integrity and honesty".

Donald Trump fades into the distance compared to the outright gall and dishonourable conduct of the NSW Liberals. Don Easter, Dubbo

It's not the relationship; it's the corruption. Ben Aveling, Alexandria

The issue is not whether a politician has the right to a personal life of their choice. It is whether the Premier of NSW was either aware of alleged corruption or took deliberate measures to ensure that she remained unaware. The evidence is compelling and she needs to resign. Tony Judge, Woolgoolga

In not resigning, or at least standing aside, Berejiklian has breached the high standards of behaviour and integrity to which she aspires. In failing to recognise her compromised position she has already sown the seeds of doubt in her integrity, seeds that could inevitably reap the harvest of her departure. Fred Jansohn, Rose Bay

Neither Nick Greiner nor Barry O'Farrell resigned because they did something illegal – it was because they did something wrong – as has the current Premier. Berejiklian is the Premier of this state and should be held to the highest standards of integrity and judgment. By clinging to her position she demeans herself and her office.
Mike Reddy, Vincentia

The emphasis on Berejiklian not having actively committed any legal wrongdoing is deeply concerning. It is apparent from the conversation transcripts that she was purposefully refusing to get informed about the deals her boyfriend was brokering. This might be a dangerous precedent to a situation whereby any premier could just actively choose to look the other way only to potentially benefit from the fruits of corruption when no longer in office. She should have taken the moral high ground. Cristina Corleto, Stanmore

We didn't need to know about the Premier's love life but she did need to know about her boyfriend's "business" interests. Denis Goodwin, Dee Why

The Premier has displayed very poor judgment in not calling off her relationship with Maguire in 2018. Also there is a big question over her lack of leadership in not coming down very hard on any hint of corruption. Tony Simons, Balmain

I agree with the general proposition that politicians’ private lives are none of our business. However, I think there is an exception where that private life raises genuine concerns about the politician’s judgment. After all, Ms Berejiklian didn’t try to distance herself from Mr Maguire as soon as he was the subject of serious allegations of corruption in public office. She waited far too long. Claire Bruce, Katoomba

It would seem that a common thread in much of the pain that the NSW Liberals and Nationals are feeling at the moment is the relationship with developers. It’s time something was done to get rid of this problem. Phil Armour, Yass

Quo vadis, Gladys? Jim Dewar, North Gosford

Affairs of the heart are understandable but is it now such an accepted aspect of politics that the apparent use of one’s position in government for personal gain doesn’t raise serious concerns among colleagues? The Premier’s job is to look after the public interest and to ensure that government operates for the people, not insiders. The Premier has failed the people of NSW.

The last 20 years of NSW politics has seen our traditional parties of government – Labor, Liberal and National – demonstrate their collective inability to root our corruption and conflict of interest from within their ranks at various times. "The writing is on the wall", not only for the Premier, but surely for our system of government. Time for serious change. Colin Hesse, Marrickville

I agree that the private life of the Premier is her own business. How it has affected her public life is for others and the state ICAC inquiry to decide.

The more important question is how those in power respond to the need to investigate potential corruption. We have seen a refusal, at the federal level, to establish a similar ICAC. The federal government last week also cut funding to the Australian National Audit Office, which had uncovered the sports rorts affair, in a budget where everyone else was splashed with money.

When are our politicians going to look into a mirror and see where the problem lies? Michael Blissenden, Dural

Imagine what a federal ICAC may reveal. Bob Cameron, Coffs Harbour

Gladys Berejiklian says she is living a "personal nightmare" since discovering the alleged misconduct of her former partner Daryl Maguire.

Gladys Berejiklian says she is living a "personal nightmare" since discovering the alleged misconduct of her former partner Daryl Maguire.Credit: Jessica Hromas

Berejiklian is unlucky in love but superior in office

Your editorial concludes strongly by saying you believe "the writing is on the wall" ("Berejiklian's huge error of judgment", October 13). You must know something I do not. Until someone produces evidence that the Premier Gladys Berejiklian has actually done something wrong, for example wrongly turning a blind eye in her role as Premier to the wrongdoing of others or allowing her public office decisions to be wrongly affected by personal matters, she should not be hounded, harassed, bullied or punished for her private and personal associations.

Only the truly blind would see it differently. They are in the minority, albeit a vocal one. It is said love is blind. Thank God it is. To love is neither crime nor corruption. Ross Drynan, Lindfield

She is not a fraud. Politically, Berejiklian has been an impressive Premier; open, honest and capable. She works using the skills of her Cabinet to govern. Labor wants to use the "scandal" because they haven't anything else to find fault with. And it is antiquated to use a person's private life to say "you must resign". Give us a break from your fake affront. I didn't vote for the Premier but I am glad she is there in this difficult time. Denise Reilly, Willoughby East

Berejiklian appears not to have benefited personally from her relationship so leave her alone. Remind me how many male MPs have had dalliances and how few have been hung, drawn and quartered. Ingrid Radford, Waverton

Premier: the Barbarians, opposition and government will be after you. Stay strong. You are an excellent Premier guiding our state through one disaster after another. We need you to be in charge. Do not resign. Do not yield. Ian Grimmond, St Ives

What century do we live in? A smart woman makes a mistake and the world of perfect Prudences descends upon her. In my long life I have seen men from all walks of life do more than their share of philandering, boozing and letting people down. The Premier is an outstanding woman and politician and my best wishes to her come from the left wing of politics. Trevor Somerville, Illawong

I believe Berejiklian to be a person of integrity. If parliamentary colleagues have supported the Premier for the last five years and have not raised any concerns about undue influence related to her decision making processes and outcomes there is no need for the Premier to resign. End of story. Elizabeth Starr, Abbotsford

During this pandemic and recession it is vital that we continue to have the fine leadership that Berejiklian has given us. NSW Opposition Leader Jodi Mckay should put the people of NSW first and not use Berejiklian’s private life as fodder for Mckay’s own ambitions. We are sick and tired of petty politics interfering with good government. Jennifer Williams, Pymble

Berejiklian might or might not survive by the time ICAC finishes its inquiry but she has full support from her cabinet and there is not a soul who opposes her, so far. Only Labor's Jodi McKay would ask for her resignation. McKay can ask for resignation because she was the focus of an ICAC inquiry several years ago and was found to be ethical and came out almost as a "saint", all of which contributed to her becoming NSW Opposition Leader. Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill

Berejiklian’s dilemma is one shared by most NSW residents – a seemingly decent person, surrounded by incompetent politicians. Thank you for your service, Premier – especially decriminalising abortion, where you really did stand up to the misogynists and bullies. I wish you better luck in your relationships after politics. You deserve it. Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn

Barry O'Farrell did not lose his leadership over a bottle of wine, it was because he lied under oath. Wendy Young, Glebe

Your editorial is most disappointing ("Berejiklian’s huge error of judgment", October 13). To use your own words, "nothing at the hearing so far suggests that Ms Berejiklian has done anything improper". The Premier shouldn’t be pilloried for having selected a disappointing partner; she’s certainly not the first woman to do that. Bruce Hulbert, Lilyfield

The premier's decision to continue her relationship with Maguire has been described as "incomprehensible" and if you believe we are rational human beings you would be correct.

However, we need to confront the reality that we are not. We do not make decisions based on the information presented to us, rather we evaluate possible outcomes and choose the option about which we "feel" best. What appears to be rational is actually a decision based on our emotional response to the possible outcomes. If the outcome we choose appears to fit with the facts presented we appear to be rational but it is an illusion.

The Premier's decision, seen through that lens, makes sense. This does not make her weak or unfit to lead but it does confirm her as a human being deserving of our compassion who makes decisions the same way we all do. David MacKintosh, Berkeley Vale

Berejiklian should not resign over an ex: she is an exceptional Premier, performed well on COVID, plus invested to look after NSW communities. I strongly suggest the NSW Opposition Leader retain some integrity and reduces her political attack using unsuitable language – simply disgraceful. Premier, please stay strong through this unpleasant saga. Susan Chan, St Ives

The Premier’s private life came under heavy and embarrassing scrutiny and the line of questioning was incredibly personal and humiliating.

Is she to be judged guilty by association with Maguire? Is any woman now fair game to be hung out to dry because their husband or partner has committed an offence?

Jodi McKay was quick to condemn the Premier by saying "she is a fraud and unmasked". I think it best for the Opposition Leader to remain silent until all evidence is on the table and to be mindful of her words before she spits them out. John Partridge, Manly

Jodi McKay’s statement accusing Gladys Berejiklian of having "dirty little secrets" is very Victorian (the era not the state). Peter Procopis, Bowral

Epic love story. Capable and intelligent woman in position of power risks everything to have long-term relationship with complete scoundrel. Is it love? Is it madness? Is true love a form of madness? This is real Greek tragedy stuff. Bill Hieser, South Lismore

Sometimes good women fall for bad men. It was ever so ("Once heard, it's not easily forgotten", October 10). Joan Brown, Orange

The Premier is just like many who have ignored basic principles of what is right and wrong and chose to do what was acceptable in her own eyes. She "stuffed up" when she relied on her own insight and like many others allowed her heart to rule her head. Nan Howard, Camden

Let any man or women who has not "stuffed up" throw the first stone. She is a good human being, proven by steering NSW through crisis that most people would not try to attempt. Frank Tweedie, Morpeth

Unless the Premier is charged with an offence more serious than a poor choice of partners she is undeserving of the near hysterical treatment being meted out by all. Lawrence Fahy, Randwick

Believe me, this would not be the first time a woman has "stuffed up" over a bloke. Helen Matthews, Killcare Heights

Oh dear, are we now to be judged by our ex-boyfriends? I'm in trouble. Sue Adams, Dulwich Hill

No woman should have her private life publicised and politicised. Amalina Wallace, Erskineville

Back off: this is just a clear case of "bad choice of boyfriend syndrome". Clearly a mental health medical condition issue that's bound to affect her memory and the memories of her close colleagues into the near future. Very sad indeed. Rex Hill, Blacksmiths

One cannot help falling in love with the person one does, it just happens. Karen Eldridge, Leichhardt

Move over Romeo and Juliet; Daryl and Gladys have replaced you as the ill-starred lovers, who touch the hearts of all deeply romantic folk out there in our hard and unforgiving world. Ignore those picky people who grumble about ethics, protocol and other boring stuff.

What interest can there be in a dodgy development or two for kindred spirits when love blinds a trusting lass to something just a wee bit sordid in dreary old politics? Nola Tucker, Kiama

I am very glad to see in the Premier this human side, this tenderness and need for close personal contact – a genuine, real, loving person. These are enormously electable characteristics and ones not often seen, but that I value, in a politician. Fight on girl! I am certain that I speak for at least half of the population of Australia. Marjory Kobold, Nimmitabel

How ironic. Surrounded daily by people who would sell their grandmothers for sixpence only to be let down by a trusted friend. Mike Bush, Port Macquarie

Premier, dear Premier: RUOK? Des Mulcahy, Orange

I do feel for our Premier. Everyone is allowed to have a personal life, even those who have chosen a public life. I am not yet sure what the Premier is guilty of except choosing a partner of questionable character and morals. Can we just wait for some evidence before calling for her head on a platter? Daniela Catalano, Haberfield

With the all of the attention our Premier is receiving, critics of her personal life should heed the biblical warning "Let he is without sin cast the first stone". Malcolm Ellis, Gordon

I suppose I'm not the only one but I am amazed that anyone can keep anything secret in the halls of state Parliament, let alone for five years. David Davies, Callala Beach

Gracious me, she’s flesh and blood after all. Rodney Crute, Hunters Hill

So the Premier has kissed a toad. What woman hasn’t? Genevieve Milton, Newtown

Note from the Editor

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