
Coronavirus Australia live news: October 28 - ABC News

Melbourne is enjoying its first day out of hard lockdown, although a number of measures designed to limit the spread of coronavirus are still in place.

Follow today's updates below.

Key events

Live updates

By Jon Healy

Key EventPinned

Watch Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews's press conference



You can also watch at least most of it in the ABC News live stream at the top of this page or on YouTube.

By Jon Healy

Confusion in Victorian gyms

The rules in gyms - you don't have to wear a mask for aerobic activities but you do for weightlifting and things like that - have caused some anxiety.


The Premier again wants the peak body to stay in touch with public health officials, but acknowledges the issue is complex.


"If there is complexity, it's only because of the complex nature of the risks within that space. We want to get them open and as close to normal as we can, but some settings are just higher risk than others and there is only so much you can do to decrease the risk. I understand the industry has been one of the hardest hit."

By Jon Healy

Cinemas in Victoria

There have been a few questions about cinemas in the comments.


Indoor cinemas were left out of the last easing of restrictions, and Mr Andrews says it's an ongoing discussion with the industry.


"With no disrespect to their product or what they offer, no time at the movies is worth putting at risk everything we have built. There will be a time to do that ... but that is not now."

By Jon Healy

Key Event

One new locally acquired case in NSW

Health authorities in NSW have confirmed one new locally acquired coronavirus infection in the 24 hours to 8:00pm yesterday.


That new case has been linked to a known cluster in Sydney's south-west.


There were also seven new cases confirmed among returned travellers in hotel quarantine.


NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the state was "on top of the virus" and "in a good position".

By Jon Healy

Key Event

Two new cases in Queensland, both in quarantine

  • 2 new confirmed cases
  • 5 active cases
  • 1,169 total confirmed cases
  • 1,224,099 tests conducted

By Jon Healy

Why doesn't Victoria have a universal QR code?

New South Wales and the ACT have universal QR codes, rather than leaving it up to the individual businesses.


Mr Andrews has said he's not averse to logging attendees to cafes and pubs and such with pen and paper, and Victoria's ability to institute a universal system was hampered by a move to a new IT platform.


"I would make the point, New South Wales have as I'm advised, have moved to a universal QR system only quite recently and I think that's a function that they have because they have been open for longer and taken more steps that we have. We will get to where they are but it will take a while."

By Jon Healy

Reasonable to wait and see with the borders

With such low numbers, modelling becomes quite difficult because of the way the ref number is calculated. So Mr Andrews says it's understandable to hold off making a call on opening borders.


He's also again called on Victorians to holiday and spend money within the state even once borders are open.


"If we all play a part, we can get open, we can have freedom of movement within the state, and freedom of movement to other states if people are inclined, but I would recommend to them that a holiday in Victoria, if they are talking about the summer period, that would be a great way to support those who have done it tough."

By Jon Healy

Regional Victorians praised for testing rates

Victorian testing chief Jeroen Weimar says for every case in regional Victoria in the past two weeks (only three) there have been 5,951 tests. A remarkable turnout.


"Over the last two weeks, we have seen over 208,000 Victorians get tested across Metro and regional Victoria.


"46,810, regional Victorians got tested. That is a 43 per cent increase in the previous two weeks, and 161,000 tests across metropolitan Melbourne over the last two weeks, again 12 per cent up on the previous fortnight.


"I just want to stop and recognise the particular effort of regional Victorians to keep getting tested. We have no active cases in regional Victoria, but we have still seen a strong turnout from regional Victorians to coming out and getting tested. From the west to the north to the east, it has actually been a consistent performance, and we are grateful to every single regional Victorian who continues to be alert for signs of COVID."

By Jon Healy

If you get tested, stay home while waiting for results

Mr Andrews says every symptomatic person getting tested is the most important thing in the fight to keep the virus at bay. And has told everyone waiting for test results to stay home.


"If you have symptoms, get tested with family and go home and wait into results come through.


"If you get tested as soon as you need to, it is very important, as soon as that scratchy throat, headache, fever, is clear to you, you can't go anywhere, you have to go home and wait. If that means you're out-of-pocket, there are payments. If you haven't got sick leave, there is a $450 payment while you get tested."

By Jon Healy

'The rules are for you, not against you'

The Premier has stressed the importance of following the rules so that the state can be more open for a "COVID-normal" Christmas.


"I want to remind everyone that the rules still apply and the rules are not against you, they are for you. They are so you can continue to do these things.


"That is what the rules are there for and we can keep going opening up further in making announcements on November 8 and beyond and have the Christmas we are longing for where we can be close to the people we have missed the most. That is the aim and where we will get to, but everyone has to play their part."

By Jon Healy

On reopening retail and hospitality

Daniel Andrews has thanked every Victorian for helping these businesses reopen and get 180,000 people back to work.


"I want to thank everybody in all of these industries for the very productive way in which they haven't continue to engage with us. They know and understand deep down that we all have to be safe and follow rules to protect customers and staff and the fragile thing we have built, this precious thing that every single Victorian has built. We are grateful to all of those businesses."

By Jon Healy

Daniel Andrews is speaking now

There are 80 active cases and the two new cases were quarantined close contacts of previous cases from the northern suburbs outbreak.


Two men, one in his 70s and one in his 80s. They were from "some weeks ago" and are linked to residential aged care


There have been more than 24,000 test results received since yesterday. Huge.


"This is critical. If we have a complete picture, if we know that you have got it, and we can make sure you do not spread it. That is the absolute key.


"I know it sounds counterintuitive, but we want to find the cases that are there so we can wrap support around you and make sure you don't unknowingly give it to anybody."


The three mystery cases are in metropolitan Melbourne.

By Jon Healy

Questions during the press conference

Hey folks, just a reminder that while Daniel Andrews is speaking I probably won't be able to get to your questions, but I'll try to catch up with some of them after he steps down.

By Jon Healy

WA border issues

(ABC News: John Daly)



Despite the rest of Australia agreeing in principle to open their borders by Christmas, WA's strict border controls remain in place. You cannot enter WA unless you are an exempt traveller determined through an application for what is known as a G2G pass.


But several people who have gone through the stringent process of getting their G2G pass approved say they were still refused entry into the state by police at the final checkpoint, despite providing clear and honest reasons for their entry in the application.


It has prompted concerns about a lack of clarity on applications and a lack of consistency between those approving the passes and police on the ground.

By Jon Healy

More Americanisation chat

When did we start having "candy" along with our "Halloween" in Australia?

-More Americans?


I think candy is a useful words because it encompasses lollies and chocolate. Or we could go with the more Pommy term of "sweeties" if you'd prefer.

By Jon Healy

Trick or treating

Jon,This is from the DHHS website, you linked on your post:"traditional trick or treating where you knock on someone’s door is NOT permitted." That has been on the website for the last few days. Looks pretty clear to me, that the DHHS is clearly saying NO TRICK OR TREATING. Please let people know that yes, a decision was made days ago, you've just made another mistake, that needs correction immediately.

-Correction Required


True. But the DHHS also says:


"Coronavirus is still with us and celebrating at home is the safest way to mark Halloween this year. If you do trick or treat, you need to stay safe. It is safer not to hand out lollies or candy to trick-or-treaters this Halloween. This is because the virus can spread on surfaces, including food or packaging.


"Under current restrictions traditional trick or treating where you knock on someone's door is not permitted. If you can't resist handing out lollies this year you can do so by having candy available outside of your home."


So they are acknowledging that some level of Halloween festivities are likely to happen. Here's there advice for how to most safely hand out treats:


  • Don't use communal bowls for lollies or candy. Putting lollies in a shared bowl will mean everyone is touching the same food and surfaces which isn't safe.
  • Instead, put individually wrapped lollies or candy in bags for non-contact collection.
  • Place bags on your fence, at your front gate or outside your home for collection.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before preparing the bags or individually wrapped lollies or candy.

By Jon Healy

Key Event

Daniel Andrews speaking at 10:30am AEDT

Of course the second I post about not knowing, I know. You know?


By Jon Healy

Press conference questions

Ok I’ll ask the question everyone wants answered: Do we have a time for Dan’s Chat yet?

-Presser addiction


Nope. When we know, you'll know. Because...


By Jon Healy

Clarifying rules around intimate partners

Re Still Confused- I am also still confused. Yesterday there were a couple of posts on the blog that said intimate partners did not count towards the daily limit of household visits. Could you please clarify?



Thanks to law student for this:

RE: intimate partners - the Stay Safe Directions (Melbourne) released overnight in s11(i)(i) outline that you can still visit a house if the host's partner or single bubble nominated person are present. However, there is no exception that allows you to visit someone's house with your partner or nominated person if they don't live with you. Hopefully will be clarified today in the presser.

-Law Student

sorry that should be section 11(2)(i)(i) - Law student


So no, intimate partners are NOT counted towards your total household visit for the day.


By Jon Healy

Workers in homes

Can you please provide us with information on whether or not we can start working in peoples homes? I believe that a few people including myself have asked this question.

-Concerned Worker


We have answered this one a couple of times and it depends on the industry. The advice for people like in-house cleaners was yes, you can have them, but be aware of the risk, stay safe and limit the number of visits. Here are the rules for things like repairs:


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2020-10-28 00:07:00Z

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