
How Victoria's year from hell battling coronavirus has changed the state - ABC News

On Monday, it'll be exactly a year since Victorian authorities reported Australia's first on-shore case of coronavirus.

For many people, the year since then has been a blur of lockdowns, restrictions, grief and fear.

But there have also been many lessons learned, which will hopefully make the next 12 months much easier than the last.

Victoria enters the first phase of the pandemic

The impact of the pandemic crept up on Victorians bit by bit through the first two months of the year.

It began on January 25, when then-health minister Jenny Mikakos announced a case in a man who had flown into Melbourne (yes, one of dozens of international flights each week) from Wuhan in China.

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The very first coronavirus case in Victoria was confirmed on January 25, 2020.

But we were still largely observing the impact from afar, as we heard stories of Victorians with family caught up in China's tightly enforced lockdown.

Watching on as Italy became one of the first democratic nations to introduce sweeping, authoritarian responses to the pandemic was Liberty Victoria president Julia Kretzenbacher.

"I remember seeing when the northern part of Italy got shut down and there was footage of everyone running to make trains to get out of there," she said.

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The world was shocked to see Wuhan, a city of more than 11 million people, come to a standstill under lockdown.

At the start of February, Australia began to close its border to China.


On March 9, Victoria reported what was believed to be its first locally transmitted case of coronavirus, in a teacher at Carey Baptist Grammar School.

Premier Daniel Andrews then began to lay the groundwork for the road ahead, warning "extreme measures" were on the way.

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The Premier still insisted the Grand Prix would be going ahead in three days' time.

"We will need to ask Victorians to do things we have never asked them to do before," he said.

The spread of coronavirus was accelerating now, with exposure sites popping up at the Women's T20 Cricket World Cup final, a rugby match and La Trobe University.

But March 13 felt like the day the state's grasp on normality was lost to the swirling currents of the pandemic.

Thousands of fans, many of whom had travelled from around the world, were waiting to enter the gates of the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix when organisers and public health officials made the painful decision to shut the event down.

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A Grand Prix official made the difficult announcement to waiting fans over a loudspeaker.

After the news was broken to the crowd, one frustrated man exclaimed: "Are you going to close schools and supermarkets and everything else where people gather?"

He didn't have to wait long for an answer.

Melbourne's other major events fell like dominos that afternoon, as press release after press release hit newsroom inboxes declaring cancellations for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, and an end to spectators at AFL matches.

A sign outside the National Gallery of Victoria explaining why it is closed.
The National Gallery of Victoria was among the cultural institutions that shut its doors on March 16.(ABC News: Nicole Asher)

The Victorian Government invoked a state of emergency on March 16, vesting Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton with the power to issue health directives and forcibly quarantine people.

Those powers are still active today, with the latest extension of the state of emergency due to expire on January 29.

On March 22, Daniel Andrews made the first of several momentous Sunday announcements, as he declared an early end to the school term and sweeping shutdowns.

An entirely empty cinema filled with black leather chairs.
After operating continuously for more than a century, Hoyts closed its cinemas.(ABC News: Joseph Dunstan)

Waves of panic buying saw toilet paper, hand sanitiser and painkillers fly off supermarket shelves.

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Panic buying stripped supermarket shelves across Victoria bare.

Racist attacks became more prolific.

The words 'COVID-19 CHINA DIE' are spray painted in red on a garage door in a Melbourne suburb.
Premier Daniel Andrews condemned the racist attack as "just evil".(Supplied)

As the first wave of restrictions rippled across Victoria, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) began to pull in public health experts to help.

Among them was Catherine Chamberlain, an associate professor in public health at La Trobe University with expertise as a perinatal epidemiologist.

She found herself fielding the wild array of calls flooding the state's coronavirus hotline.

They included a woman who offered to turn over her seven cosmetics factories to produce hand sanitiser, an offer Dr Chamberlain said was taken up.

"There were lots of things like that," she said.

"People were ringing up offering to make clothes and masks and scrubs and things for people in hospitals.

The second wave takes off

After enduring the pain of restrictions through April, the state was sitting on single-digit daily case numbers at the start of June.

But as those started to jump, it was clear something was wrong.

On June 30, Mr Andrews revealed many recent cases were linked to hotel quarantine breaches.

A judicial inquiry would hand down its findings into the program's failures on December 21.

But the costs of those shortcomings will continue to be felt by many for years.

Families across the state are still grieving after loved ones in aged care had their final years of life torn from them by outbreaks in under-prepared homes with poor infection control procedures.

An olive branch is tied to a fence with blue and white ribbons.
The outbreak at St Basil's aged care home in Fawkner was among the state's deadliest, with 45 lives lost.(ABC News: Joseph Dunstan)

A separate parliamentary inquiry would later conclude the state's public health unit had suffered from long-running underfunding and entered the pandemic on the back foot.

Dr Chamberlain said as the cases began to climb, it was "painfully obvious" that hardworking DHHS staff were hampered by inadequate systems.

Initially, she was part of a team of epidemiologists crunching data that was flying in "thick and fast" into useful information for the health teams on the ground.

At the height of the pandemic she was virtually working seven days a week, sometimes until "one or two in the morning".

Catherine Chamberlain looks to the camera, standing in a sunlit garden.
Epidemiologist Catherine Chamberlain says the hard lessons learnt in Victoria must pave the way to lasting change.(ABC News: Joseph Dunstan)

One of the most gruelling shifts started at 5:00am and involved pulling together situations reports to brief government ministers, who would later stand up to tell the public what was going on.

Working to a deadline was stressful enough, but trying to use a system that was never designed for a pandemic on that scale took things to another level.

"There was a lot of trouble sometimes, particularly when the numbers increased in that second wave," Dr Chamberlain said.

Three bronze sculptures of men in business suits near a Melbourne mall, each wearing a blue surgical mask.
Facemasks became compulsory in public across Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire from July 22.(ABC News: Daniel Fermer)

Any small spelling mistake or typo entered into the data system created a new file, resulting in dozens of duplicated cases.

On August 5, Daniel Andrews announced 725 new cases from the previous day, the peak of the second wave.

But after cleaning the data and removing duplicates and reclassified cases, the DHHS data dashboard now reports just 687 for August 4.

A white police car turns in front of a well-lit brown building at night on a deserted city street.
An 8:00pm curfew came into effect across Melbourne each night from August 2.(AAP: Erik Anderson)

Dr Chamberlain also spent time working with the outbreak teams, trying to link together cases and outbreak sites as the state was recording more than 100 cases each day.

"That was just really, really full-on," she said.

Faced with overwhelming systemic challenges, the team was constantly writing and rewriting protocols as they found better ways to get the job done.

"It was stressful, but everybody was incredibly respectful of each other," she said.

As Melburnians sat in the depths of stage 4 lockdown, with state borders closing around them, public health teams were facing intense scrutiny, from the Federal Government down.


In early September, Health Minister Greg Hunt said NSW had experienced about six outbreaks similar in size to the hotel quarantine breach that triggered Victoria's second wave.

Mr Hunt said he believed Victoria's second wave "could largely have been avoided" if contact tracing was better.

"It felt like we were quite isolated in the department," Dr Chamberlain said. "There were a lot of people being, you know, quite rightly, critical."


In an attempt to bridge the gap, the Public Health Association of Australia piloted a mentoring program to help connect junior DHHS staff with experienced epidemiologists from the outside.

Dr Chamberlain said esteemed health professionals from around the nation answered the call, offering to mentor anyone in need of support.

She is adamant that growing the links between the DHHS and the public health community is key to bolstering its response in the future.

"What we do need to do from that is learn, really be honest about it, not be scared of saying we weren't up to scratch," she said.

Australasian Epidemiological Association president Brigid Lynch, who jumped across from her job at the Cancer Council to support DHHS, backed her colleague's call for the state to never let itself get caught unprepared again.

"It's great to have new infrastructure, new IT systems … but it's critical to have experienced and well-trained people to use those systems," she said.

"There were experienced and highly skilled epidemiologists and public health people working at DHHS, there just weren't enough of them at the time."

Brigid Lynch smiles, standing in an office.
Epidemiologist Brigid Lynch says it's important the community understands this likely won't be the last pandemic Victoria faces.(Supplied: Brigid Lynch)

Thousands of people go into hard lockdown

On July 4, Daniel Andrews stood up to deliver one of his by-now fairly regular weekend press conferences.

The Premier announced 3,000 residents in nine public housing estates would be locked in their homes for at least five days, to prevent dozens of cases across the towers from surging into a deadly outbreak.

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The Premier said there would be "no reason" for the residents to be able to leave their homes.

By the time he'd finished speaking, police were in place outside the estates to prevent residents from leaving.

Days of chaos and confusion followed as residents battled to get appropriate food and prescription medicines, all while facing heightened anxieties triggered by a heavy police presence.

Flemington tower resident Tekeste Hailu sits in his car.
Tekeste Hailu says he hopes Victorians have learnt about the importance of empathy, following the public housing tower lockdown.(Supplied: Tekeste Hailu)

Looking back, Flemington public housing resident Tekeste Hailu said the way it was managed lacked empathy.

"There was a lot of people that needed a lot of medications, a lot of supplements, a lot of care," he said.

"But obviously they weren't getting that. And it hurt.

Once residents made their voices heard through social and mainstream media, improvements were made.

"But I wish that was already planned," he said.

At dusk, you look up to a y-shaped brutalist public housing tower while police tape is in the foreground.
North Melbourne's Alfred Street estate recorded the highest number of coronavirus cases among the nine towers in lockdown.(ABC News: Darryl Torpy)

Deputy Chief Health Officer Annaliese van Diemen, who signed off on the state's most authoritarian response so far, later told the Victorian Ombudsman she was "not entirely" comfortable with the process.

On an overcast day, you view a y-shaped public housing tower with an open-air carpark surrounding it.
Residents in many of the public housing units could only can access fresh air via a small opening in their apartment windows.(ABC News: Simon Winter)

She said she was emailed the documents as she travelled in the car to the afternoon press conference, with just 15 minutes to sign them — the shortest time she had ever been provided to review the human rights impacts of proposed health directives.

"While convinced of the need to impose additional public health restrictions at the outbreak sites, she would have preferred an opportunity to consult with multicultural community leaders and further time to discuss the available options," the ombudsman's report said.

The ombudsman found while the lockdown itself was based on public health advice, the immediate timing was not and the lack of warning constituted a breach of the residents' human rights.

"We may be tempted, during a crisis, to view human rights as expendable in the pursuit of saving human lives," the report said.

"This thinking can lead to dangerous territory."

After the report's release, Housing Minister Richard Wynne admitted mistakes were made but said: "we make no apology for saving people's lives".

During the immediate aftermath of the outbreak, the DHHS set up a priority communities task force, to work more closely with families who suddenly found themselves at the centre of an outbreak.

In November, cohealth kicked off a pilot program, hiring public housing tenants as "health concierges", to better support the community.

Liberty Victoria's Julia Kretzenbacher said she hoped Victoria would learn from the tower lockdown and other instances where the balance between state power and human rights came into focus.

Of particular concern was the focus on using police to enforce public health measures, and the Government's proposal to give authorised officers the power to detain people on the mere suspicion they might threaten public health.

Two police officers wearing masks walk next to a Parliament of Victoria sign.
Ms Kretzenbacher says as the pandemic rolls on, Victorians' feelings about the level of state power deployed to respond to it may change.(ABC News: Daniel Fermer)

She also highlighted the decision to shut the border to returning Victorian residents over the New Year period "when the risk seemed lower for people to be able to self-isolate at home".

"There's a way to protect human life that is proportionate with other rights that people have," Ms Kretzenbacher said.

"And I hope that they're the steps taken, that there is a continued regard to human rights and to ensure that government decisions are balanced with those rights and with what the public health risk is as well."

Healthcare workers were getting infected on the job

As the second wave progressed, healthcare workers were making up an increasing proportion of cases.

Psychiatry registrar Benjamin Veness remembers the feeling of validation that came on August 25, when the Victorian Government revealed 70 to 80 per cent of healthcare workers infected with coronavirus during the second wave had caught it at work.

"We finally felt as though we were being listened to," he said.

For months, Dr Veness and scores of other medical professionals had been sounding the alarm on the problem and pushing for better personal protective equipment (PPE) standards.

But the Government had estimated only 10 to 15 per cent of healthcare worker infections were from the workplace, relying on old data from the first wave.

"We felt dismissed during that period, we felt as though the Government were making claims they couldn't substantiate," he said.

"The problem at the time when the Government was pushing this line … is that it served to undermine all of the calls [for better protection] by those of us working in hospitals or other settings who were coming into contact with the public every day."

Benjamin Veness stands in front of a bay of water on a sunny day.
Benjamin Veness says many doctors were met with resistance when campaigning for adequate infection control protocols.(Supplied: Benjamin Veness)

The ABC learnt Victorian health authorities had privately flagged that extending PPE guidelines to more workers risked exhausting the state's supply of N95 masks through May and June.

But the state's Chief Medical Officer, Andrew Wilson, insisted in late September that the state's guidance was always based on the best evidence and not supply shortages.

Even with the spike in healthcare worker infections acknowledged, the rollout of N95 masks and fit testing across the state's hospitals would take more than two months.

Looking back on the year, Dr Veness sees a situation where doctors were expending energy on "unnecessary battles" for Australian governments to heed emerging evidence and take the most precautionary PPE response possible.

"As a consequence, we've seen things like healthcare worker and aged care outbreaks and hundreds of elderly people dying in Australia, which was arguably preventable," he said.

Occupational hygienist Kate Cole said it had been incredibly frustrating to watch the state ride the first and second waves with "very poor" PPE guidance, including a lack of required fit testing for N95 masks, which is crucial for their effectiveness.

A woman wearing glasses and a blue collared shirt.
Occupational hygienist Kate Cole says other states and territories should learn from Victoria's mistakes.(ABC News: Shaun Kingma)

She said the healthcare industry appeared to disregard the basic preventative principles of providing the highest level of protection possible, before winding that back if it was supported by evidence.

"What we saw was, in fact, the opposite, where very low-level controls were put in place and then it was almost as though we were waiting for evidence or waiting for evidence or waiting for infections to see if we needed to change," she said.

"So it was a really backwards way of looking at it."

Occupational hygienists like Ms Cole were later engaged by the DHHS to improve its guidelines and help set up the first respiratory protection program in Victoria.

Victoria's infection control guidelines have been strengthened as a result, with P2 or N95 respirators mandated for anyone providing care to a "high risk" suspected or confirmed coronavirus case, regardless of the period of time in contact.

But Ms Cole said "significant improvements" were still needed.

"What's so incredibly important right now is that we don't take our feet off the pedals and that we really keep pushing," she said.

"If there's any good thing that can come out of this pandemic, it's that healthcare workers should have, now and in the future, access to some of the safest workplaces in this country."

A 'road to nowhere' brings Victoria out of lockdown

In mid-August, Victoria was still seeing around 200 new cases a day.

But the Government was desperate to stop zig-zagging in and out of restrictions, and it turned to University of Melbourne researcher Jason Thompson for help.

Dr Thompson's team had been using computational modelling to build artificial societies and simulate the effects of different health measures.

"And quite naively, I suppose … we were clearly demonstrating scenarios in which it was possible to achieve elimination," he said.

Jason Thompson, wearing a blue shirt and glasses, stands in a garden.
Jason Thompson says he hopes Victorians now have a deeper appreciation for the role of social sciences in solving complex problems.(Supplied: Jason Thompson)

So DHHS asked for some models that accounted for behaviour across schools, workplaces and the community.

"Because these were the things that, when you're escaping and when you're trying to loosen off restrictions, you need to think about," Dr Thompson said.

"And you'd need to think about them not only in the next six days … but you need to think about them for the next month, the next two months, the next three months."

His team presented their modelling to the Government, outlining the projected risk of infections spiking again if restrictions were substantially eased before the state had sufficiently driven down its daily new cases.

A graph shows the Victorian 14-day new case average.
Through the University of Melbourne modelling, Victorians were introduced to the idea of a 14-day rolling case average.(Supplied: Victorian Government)

After weeks of anticipation from Melburnians under stage 4 lockdown, the Premier released the Government's roadmap out of restrictions on September 6.

It had backed the University of Melbourne team's forecasts, using rolling 14-day averages for new cases as targets to hit before each phase of restrictions would be relaxed.

"That 14-day average was key both in terms of reducing the daily cases, but also giving the community time enough that existing cases in the community would also phase out," Dr Thompson said.

The roadmap suggested the state could hit daily case averages of 50 by September 28 and fewer than five by October 26.

But for many Victorians, the prospect of more time under stage 4 lockdown was devastating.


That week, Lifeline recorded the highest number of daily calls in its 57-year history.

The peak body for Victorian businesses described the roadmap as "a road to nowhere", taking aim at the low case numbers set as thresholds for reopening.

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The Prime Minister suggested with improved contact tracing, Victoria could leave lockdown faster.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he hoped the "crushing" roadmap was a "worst-case scenario", and the Federal Government wanted to scrutinise the modelling behind it.

"I clearly remember seeing it on the TV and thinking, 'Oh, whoops. This might be hard,'" Dr Thompson recalled.

As debate raged over whether the targets in his model were remotely feasible, Dr Thompson logged out of Twitter.

But the pressure of having the Victorian Government send the entire state down a roadmap based on your team's science wasn't easy to avoid.

His smartwatch showed his heart rate was elevated by about 20 per cent over that period.

"It was a very, very stressful time," he said.

In late September, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg intensified pressure on Victoria to lift the target case numbers and reopen faster, citing the mental health toll of lockdown, especially on young Victorians.

With a background in clinical psychology, Dr Thompson felt the issue of mental health was becoming a political tool.

"The level of support for mental health in Australia is very poor but suddenly everyone was very interested in mental health," he said.

The comparison he feels is important now is between Victoria and countries like the UK and US that have "absolutely failed" to control coronavirus.

"Those countries are not having a great time in terms of mental health," he said.

"Nearly 400,000 deaths in the US, mental health I'm sure isn't going very well over there, based on what we can see.

"So our entire aim was to ensure that Victoria didn't go through this again, so we didn't have any of these effects again."

Despite some bumps along the road, the modelling was proven fairly accurate.

Victoria's fortnightly average for daily new cases dropped below five on October 25, one day before the original roadmap had suggested.

Dr Thompson said the politics were "pretty rough" at times, but he understood that was part of the deal when you put your hand up to try and solve a difficult community problem.

"We did it for Victorians because we're interested in the welfare and the public health of Victorians," he said.

He hopes Victorians now have a deeper understanding of the important role social sciences can play in solving complex problems.

Dr Thompson noted that except for the emerging UK strain, the virus had largely been a fixed variable.

The factors that had determined each nation's success or failure in coping with the pandemic were political, economic and social.

"Everything else [apart from the virus] is the variable and everything else is the thing that we can change," he said.

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